Friday, October 10, 2008

mark your calendars

Dear All,

First, a little news from this week's efforts in Davis. Last night (Thursday) we had about 30 people walking and calling in Davis. We were pleasantly surprised to have a lot of positive repsonses. Maybe not a majority of Yes votes, but very close. That would be an improvement over Prop 22 if it held...

We have Yard Signs! Over 200 signs have been delivered so far, and I have requests for more. Great news.

Upcoming events: Phone banks -- BRING YOUR CELL PHONE!!!
Tuesday 10/14, 6:00 to 8:00
Wednesday 10/15, 6:00 t0 8:00
Thursday 10/16, 6:00 to 8:00
Saturday 10/18, 9:00 to NOON
(For safety purposes: for locations, please refer to your emails that will be sent out around this time)

We have a lot of work still, but the momentum is with us. Please make time to come call and bring a friend.

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