Friday, October 10, 2008

Why is Prop. 8 important to me?

I am so excited to be helping in the effort to pass Prop. 8! It is such an important issue! I don't think that a lot of people realize the far-reaching impact that Prop. 8 failing would have. I want to be able to teach my children about marriage and what is appropriate according to our values. Massachusetts has legalized same-sex marriage and parents do not have the right to be notified before hand when these issues are being taught. It surprises and saddens me that the parents' role in teaching about family and marriage is no longer deemed necessary and that schools are taking it upon themselves to take over this role. So, among many, many other reasons that I want Prop. 8 to pass, I want to protect my right as a parent to teach my child right from wrong without being labeled as 'intolerant'.

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