Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Oppostion Will NOT Get Us Down!

Many of the signs we have put up have been stolen or vandalized. Today after leaving my house for only an hour both of our signs were stolen from our front yard in mid day! We decided to make our own sign and Casey drilled a hole in it and now it's locked to the tree in our front yard with a bike lock and we all hope that people have enough respect to leave it there until November 4th!


Ixchelle said...

Great idea! I think I will make on of those signs.

PTA President said...

That's awesome! It is amazing to me how rampant the stealing of these signs is. The opposition is obviously worried that the "Yes on 8" message will resonate with voters!

Tifferbob said...

Love your signs. I made one after ours was stolen twice. Although, it wasn't as cute as yours! You go!