Friday, October 10, 2008

Notes from Wed Fireside

I was able to attend the fireside while Daddy stayed with the kids - here are some notes I took to share the fireside with him. DISCLAIMER - I am not a very good notetaker. Daddy can watch a movie once and quote half of it right afterwards, I very much can not so I apologize for any errors!!!

The thought that struck me the most was from Elder Ballard "We are COMPELLED by doctrine to speak out." He was answering the question - why do we care? I like his answer.

The other thing that really stuck out was the time they spent talking to the "younger" adults (married or not) asking that we put our time and energy and especially that we use all of the current technology to spread the word. They mentioned how right after President Hinckley died a flood of text messages went out telling youth to wear their Sunday best to school the next day in honor of Pres Hinckley - that even some of the text messaging services noticed the increase in volume. They asked that we do the same using every tool that we have.

They also asked us to PRAYERFULLY consider our personal involvement. I have to admit I had not done that, but after I did I came up with several other simply ways I could help.

I thought it was interesting that Elder Cook had to leave CA for UT when he was called to the Quorum of the Twelve. He was one of three speakers and having recently left he still has strong connections to CA. Random, but interesting :)

Elder Ballard was cute - he spent a lot of time encouraging us young people to use technology - he said "I don't understand it, but you do!" (said with a smile!)

He were told several times to READ AND UNDERSTAND the materials provided - we must be armed with the knowledge to be of use and then be "engaged" in the process

We were reminded several times to be respectful of others and their opinions. We can get along even if we disagree. (I wish I could quote them better!!)

We were asked that AT LEAST 30 people in each ward spend AT LEAST 4 hours each week towards getting prop 8 passed. I say let's all do all we can. They did mention that although families with young children will be most impacted by this in the near future we do have obligations at home and they are mindful of that but to still do ALL WE CAN DO!!! (Sarah note: let's not "hide" under the excuse of "I have little ones at home" !!! There are plenty of opportunities and you can let one spouse go when possible - there are only 4 weeks left and surely our families will be blessed for our efforts!!!!)

They suggested that we work Tues, Wed and Thurs from 6-9pm and from 9-2 on Saturdays. There are LOTS of phone calls and walking to be done - don't leave it to someone else!

They asked that everyone possible set aside as much time as possible from Nov 1 - Nov 4 - there will be SO MUCH to do trying to get people out to vote!

They announced a new website:" as a resource (especially for those younger people - I believe it should have tools for us to use on webpages and such and more is supposed to be coming I believe)

Last IMPORTANT NOTE from the meeting - they asked that we find our neighbors who support prop 8 and ask that they help in the cause. Would they like a sign, be willing to make phone calls, etc. They mentioned that if each of us brought in a neighbor we will have doubled our efforts - let's go find them!!!

I came away excited and feeling the urgency of what needs to be done in the next few weeks. I hope you enjoyed the notes and please feel free to comment on possible mistakes :) Let's go do it!

1 comment:

Cedric said...

Thanks for taking and sharing these notes- we all appreciate it so much.